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Re: rendering tables to ps/dvi/pdf

On Jul 26, 10:54am, Roel van Meer wrote:
> Subject: rendering tables to ps/dvi/pdf
> Hello,
> I have a problem converting the docbook documents I'v written to output
> formats other than html. The tables do not get rendered correctly. It
> appears that when I use an <entry> tag with a  'morerows="3"' the
> morerows is discarded. Thus, cells do not span vertically.
> Can anyone tell me if this is a problem with my settings or if it
> is just a problem with the rendering tools? I mean, can I solve it,
> or not?

I think it's a problem with the tools:

    Debian Bug report logs - #53914
    morerows and colname fail in print


    Re: morerows in last table column: rtf issue


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | [email protected]
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com  | 
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org  |

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