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I assume the attached is SPAM.  I assume also that someone has attempted
to have the ldp list removed from the mailer's list?

If no one advises to the contrary, I will attempt to have us removed by
following the instructions in the Email.

(The reason I'm being so cautious is that I suspect that responding to
them may just put us on their permanent mailing list, and I wondered if
anybody had tried it.)

Randy Kramer
--- Begin Message ---
[You are receiving this either because you have expressed an interest in the 
Wall Street Institute in the past, or because you are a subscriber to our
bi-monthly newsletter.  If you are receiving this by mistake, please send a 
blank email to [email protected]]

Wall Street Institute has launched its new website at www.wsi.edu.hk.

Please take a look and if you like what you see send it on to your friends. 

If you would like some more information about our English courses -- 

Fax form to 2575 1999 or email to [email protected]:

Please send me more information about Wall Street Institute:

Name _____________________________





(For remove, put "remove" in subject line or click on [email protected])

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [email protected]
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [email protected]

--- End Message ---