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Re: Information on the history of jade and openjade

[email protected] wrote:
> > Dangit, nobody sends me to Paris.  :-)  Not that I can stand those bloody
> > Frenchmen anyway. <grin>
> Keep cool man ;-) There're some of us hanging around here.

Yup ;)

> I'll see what I can do for you regarding the linux expo Paris - I'm also supposed to give a conference but I don't think I'll be able to attend.
> I was desesperately looking for someone to replace me -- if you want to replace me and if you're sure you can come, you're very welcome.

Depending on the dates, I think I could go there too (but it would be
easier for me ;) )

   __   _                                            ___       __
  / /  (_)__  __ ____ __      Arnault Claden        / _ \__ __/ /__ ___
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \ /       (aka Tiamat)        / , _/ // / / -_)_ /
/____/_/_//_/\_,_//_\_\  [email protected]  /_/|_|\_,_/_/\__//__/

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