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Re: New lurker to the list(:

David Merrill <[email protected]> writes:
> True confessions time, huh? My first degree was in English Literature,
> speciality prosody and versification.

I think I'll chime in on this thread, too.  Slightly different story,
followed by a request:

I'm an undergraduate at the University of Colorado at Boulder.  I
started out studying journalism, (couldn't get into the style) was
thinking of switching to computer science (would've lost over a year
of credit, having not started out in the engineering school) and
finally decided on...

Major: linguistics
Minor: german
Certificate: cognitive science

If anybody's interested in mentoring, I'm still new to tech writing.
I really don't want "10 Hot New Tips For Tech Writing", rather,
someone who has a story to tell and experiences to share.  Advice,
when I run into problems.  I'm hoping to make some food money, if
possible, but I'm mainly interested in gaining experience, a
portfolio, giving something back to all the developers who gave me
Linux, and filling some gaps in the documentation.

Chris Riddoch - [email protected]
Documentation and programming -  Linux specialist

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