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Re: DocBook Guidelines

Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> Hello,
> Can we all agree on the following?
> 1. We use DocBook 3.1

Already in H-H.

> 2. For images use JPEG and/or EPS

Uhm...H-H says we accept GIF, but acknowledge patent disputes.
And .EPS won't show up in web or htmldoc versions:

For images use [JPG or GIF] and EPS

> 3. No short tags. No exceptions.
> 4. No deprecated tags.

Sounds fair.  How depreciated do we want to go?  <graphic> isn't being taken
out until 5.0, and 4.0 is barely off and running, but there are better reasons
than depreciation to use <mediaobject>.


Carlo Gavazzi IPC     | Mark F. Komarinski, RHCE - Compat. Engineer|
176 Second Ave        | [email protected] - www.cgipc.com            |
Waltham, MA 02451 USA | Ph: 781-266-1138  Fx: 781-290-4810         |

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