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Re: DocBook or sgmltool problems

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Bruce Richardson wrote:

> The thing that worries me that the whole point of writing in sgml is that I
> only have to worry about the content, but here I am ferreting around trying
> to getting quotes and tildes displayed.  I may fix it on my system but
> what about all the other machines out there with the same default set-up
> that I had?  What's the point of me fixing it to show these entities
> correctly if it's going to come out gibberish on other people's machines? 

Most people should be getting the "compiled" docs, e.g. html, pdf, txt, so
shouldn't have to worry about the conversions. OTOH, we want to make sure
they can easily convert things. I threw everything into a makefile. I've
seen much better ones on here. There were also a couple of shell scripts,
I think. We should make a docbookcompile (or docbookconvert or
whatever) script that takes care of calling the various conversion
programs with the proper flags. Same for LinuxDoc.

There are different convertion utils that have been mentioned,
e.g. xpdf and ghostscript. The util should prefer one, but be able to work
with whichever ones provide acceptable conversion.

The LDP *is* lacking on tools for those who don't want to work at the
molecular level :), but there are things out there. We need to coordinate
better :).


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