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DNS problem

Dear Sir ,
        I have install the radhat 6.0 , when i setup the dns server , some error messages place in /var/log/messages.
Mar  6 11:34:44 ns1 named[430]: Zone "711solution.com" (file 711solution.com): No default TTL set using SOA minimum
@               IN      SOA     ns1.711solution.com.    root.ns1.711solution.com. (
                        2000022104 ; serial
                        10800   ; refresh
                        3600    ; retry
                        3600000 ; expire
                        86400) ;  minimum
                IN      NS      ns1.711solution.com.
                IN      MX      10 mail.711solution.com.
; define hosts
ns1             IN      A
        Can you tell me what the problem on my setting ?
Thks a lots
[email protected]