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Re: [Re: Problem with Text translations]


Use the -f (or --filter) option of sgmltools when converting to text.

Pal Domokos

Jorge Godoy <[email protected]> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 12:42:44PM -0500, Warren Chartier wrote:
> Ok I see why its doing it
> The text files contain lines such as:
> _^HN_^Ho_^Ht_^He _^Ht_^Ho _^Ht_^Hh_^He _^Hr_^He_^Ha_^Hd_^He_^Hr_^H:
> Which get translated by netscape to:
> _N_o_t_e _t_o _t_h_e _r_e_a_d_e_r_:
> Of course ^H is backspace, apparently the translation software is just
> putting in the ^H's instead of taking out the underscores and double
> letters like it should.

It seems to be a SGMLtools or lynx problem. We have that here too and
I've asked for our maintainer see the options used in the conversion

The "^H" is used in conjunction with double letter for the bold
effect. See the document with less. The underscore is for getting
underline effect. 

Godoy.	<[email protected]>               GPG Fingerprint
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