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Diald HowTo

So is someone working on an update of this ?

Wilson Fletcher

Current working on diald howto

To: [email protected] 
Subject: Current working on diald howto 
From: Andres Seco Hernandez <[email protected]> 
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 02:31:36 +0200 
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Hi all.

I would like to write a diald howto to expand the diald mini howto that
Harish Pillay wrote in 1996, colaborating with her to update it.

I have been searching in the ldp and over the internet about current
working updating that mini howto, to avoid lose my job, but i haven't
found anything.

If you are working in the diald howto, please, tell me, and i could
help you with some of my suggestions.

If nobody is working on it, i want to tell you that in some weeks i will
give you the new updated diald howto.

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