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Re: sgmltools & docbook

On mer, 09 f�v 2000, Terry Dawson � �crit
>Greg O'Keefe wrote:
>> Spot on Terry, that's what go me started! If DocBook really is that simple,
>> then I'll take this opportunity to plead for someone to translate that
>> example.sgml. An hour or so's work could turn author resistance into
>> acceptance!
what stopped me in the road to docbook was two things:
*I could never compile sgmltools 2.0 and never know why and there was no
binary available at this time (may be a year ago)
*I was unshure if lyx could support both linuxdoc and docbook and I have
too many linuxdoc document to rewrite them.

may be this help you for the docbook HOWTO

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