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[email protected] said:
> > On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 08:52:54AM +0900, Taketoshi Sano wrote:
> > If the sgmltools project can grant to release the new sgml-tools (v1)
> > with the modifications above as the new official release, then I will 
> > work for it, and will make it to include other several bug fixes.
> Could you please contact them? 

One issue: make sure (contact Hugo van der Kooij <[email protected]>) 
that you get write access to www.sgmltools.org or get to move the site 
somewhere else so that you can announce the new version there. It'd be 
confusing to have versions floating around that aren't branded official by 
announcing them on www.sgmltools.org.



Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <[email protected]>
                            http://www.sgmltools.org   <[email protected]>

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