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Re: Informal survey (was Re: Banner ads)

>     G> We must tell people where they can find good quality and free
>     G> documentation.
> I hate to state the obvious, but this is a non-issue.  

I am afraid, at least in IMHO it is not obvious, agreed, most people that
are reasonable Linux Veterans know of the Linux Documentation Project but
most people I talk to that are just "hobbyists" have never heard of us.
Most new users don't even know where the /usr/doc directory is. And even
if it is listed in the CD or Book... when was the last time you read the

> Every Linux CD, every Linux portal site, and every chapter of every
> book I have written or reviewed for MCP (and I assume all of the other
> books from all the other publishers as well) *all* end their work and

This is very true.

> LDP visibility is not an issue.

I disagree, it is very much an issue. IMHO the LDP has completed it's job
until it is the absolute first place that "EVERY" person looks for
documentation on Linux. 

Holding this up is the fact that in order for that to happen we MUST have
good documentation (we do) but we do not have enough.

> What I *would* endorse and support is sending LDP people places to
> present original papers on how to make cohesive sense and timely
> release of free technical documentation into a workable reality.
> *That* is a necessary and worthy endeavor and well worth putting
> someone up in a hotel for the good of World Domination.

O.k. you are not as far off base as I originally thought ;)

> -- 
> Gary Lawrence Murphy <[email protected]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
> TCI - Business Innovations through Open Source : http://www.teledyn.com
> Canadian Co-ordinators for Bynari International : http://ca.bynari.net/
> Moderator, Linux Education Group: http://www.egroups.com/group/linux-ed
> --  
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