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projects page


I'd like to see an LDP projects page, or at least a HOWTO projects page on
docs that are currently being worked on.  Can we make this happen?

I've also asked Poet about adding a HOWTO-Updates page, which will show
what HOWTOs (FAQs, mini's, etc.) have been processed/updated/uploaded
recently.  I'd like this to not be a "fixed" doc that will be overwritten,
but rather something that shows a "history" of updated docs.

Comments/suggestions welcomed!

Best Regards,

Linux HOWTO coordinator http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO
[email protected], [email protected] (HOWTO's)
[email protected] (Home)
[email protected] (Work)
http://wallybox.cei.net:5119/cgi-bin/pageme.cgi (Alpha Pager)

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